And his beautiful wife.

And his oldest daughter. . . Belief. Her hair is wrapped in tiny black wire and then twisted on her head. Her mother did all three girls hairdos.

Then Benevolence. I asked Yuramma how long it took his wife to braid her hair and he said it was easy, it only took about 5 hours.

And Beloved. Sometimes Nigerians put eye makeup on their children for special occasions. Mostly eye liner, but these girls had their eyebrows drawn in. I'm not sure why and I didn't ask.

All together. A beautiful family.

We also had a super fun Christmas party with all our house help. First, Umar fed everyone roasted chicken, jollof rice, salad and fruit. You would not believe how much food these guys can put away. Two platefuls each piled 4 to 5 inches high. Amazing! Then we watched "Knights' Tale" (which they had never seen but really, really loved). They were on the edge of their seats by the end and all yelled out loud when the bad guy lost. Of course we had cookies and then dancing and gifts. Everyone had a great time. By the way, Nigerians do not like to smile for pictures, so you can tell how much fun they had. (Plus I threatened to take the cookies away if I didn't see some teeth. Hee hee hee)

Emma and I decided to get some Nigerian henna done before we came home, so Alan's secretary Aisha found a girl in Yola and off we went. Here is Aisha . . . And Emma's hand . . .

She did a beautiful job!

and all the kids came out to see the Bature.

Nigerian children are so beautiful!!