Saturday, 10 September 2011

Alan, Kelli and Emma go to market

So, Kelli and Emma have been to the Jimeta Market before, but this was my first experience. It was awesome!!! We didn't take many photos in the market itself, but several fun ones on the drive there.

Here we have a truck full of cattle on their way to, well you can imagine. The cattle have pretty impressive horns, yet the workers sit casually above them. Given the number of potholes, it seems a brave thing to do.

Before you even get into the main market, there are stalls set up with produce and more.

I couldn't bring myself to take pictures of the meat stands. Maybe another time.

We did see one thing I found especially humorous when we bought caulk for Kelli. The shop next door sold water pumps. From the lake out in front of the shop, it would appear they need to put one to use themselves.

More later.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Fun!! Reminds me somewhat of the open markets in Italy. I used to love to walk through them. I also remember the meat markets in Greece that are probably similar to what you couldn't bring yourself to photograph, which couldn't portray the full experience as you can't transmit the smell in a photo :)
